
The Magic Of Urine Therapy


You are worried about spots, pimples, eczema and other skin irritations on face few days to an important social event. You’ve tried all skin creams in the market to no avail and your desire to look good for the event is fast fading away. Why not wash your face with your urine? Yes, urine! In Your Own Perfect Medicine, author Martha Christy outlines scientifically-proven and medically-documented studies on urine therapy. She explains that urine therapy – or urotherapy – has historical roots in ancient Egypt, China and India.

It is argued that washing your face in the morning with urine will give you smooth, radiant and beautiful skin. Martha says that the enzyme, vitamin and mineral-rich liquid should be applied topically to the skin to help with acne, eczema, psoriasis and fungal infections. Essentially, she claims that thanks to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, urine helps boost immunity to disease.

The nutritional and natural healthcare consultant, who also works as a medical research writer, goes as far as to suggest that drinking your own urine will boost your health immensely.  She refers to JW Armstrong, who fasted on his own urine and water for 45 days, and recommends massaging yourself with urine and even using it as an eye and ear drop.

Urine baths, she says, are beneficial and refers to the women who took urine baths in eighteenth century France.

Speaking on the David Letterman show, she said: ‘Peeing in the shower is really good, it, it fights athlete’s foot. ‘I’m serious, urine is like an antiseptic, it’s all got to do with the enzymes in your body.’ Ultimately, Martha argues that urine isn’t promoted by the healthcare world because it’s free.

Writing for The Telegraph, Rebecca Reid claims that putting urine in your face cream is the latest UK health trend. She explains that her friend was advised to apply it topically by the local while living in Ashram, India.  ‘They initially encouraged us to mix some of our urine in with whatever moisturizer we’d brought with us. I just put some in my Nivea. And it was amazing. My skin was so, so soft,’ she writes.

Shona Wilkinson, Nutritionist at NutriCentre, said: ‘Urine typically contains breakdown products from a wide range of foods, drinks, drugs, environmental contaminants, beauty products and waste metabolites of the body.  ‘For this reason, the actual content of each individual’s urine is totally different. On the whole though, it is approximately 95 per cent water and then 5 per cent nutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc. ‘There is no research to show any other benefits than just the 5 per cent nutrients. There has to be a simpler way of getting any benefits of urine that are claimed. I would suggest a glass of water and either a healthy meal or a multi vitamin and mineral tablet – the benefits will far exceed a glass of urine.





About Author

Akin Akingbala is an international journalist based in Lagos, Nigeria. Aside being happily married, he has interests in music, sports and loves traveling.

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