
How To Have A Healthy Pregnancy With The Consumption Of Fertility Medications


By Ben Mart

A lot of women are very eager to get pregnant and this will often cause them to rush into the situation blindly. This could prove to be a major mistake. And of course, some women will find out very quickly that they’re infertile and unable to conceive conventionally. These women and others may benefit substantially with the consumption of fertility drugs. By utilizing such medications, you will be able to boost your chances of getting pregnant, while also decreasing the likelihood of problems along the way. Below, you’ll learn more about fertility medications and how they can help you!

Common Male Fertility Drugs

A lot of people immediately place the blame on the female, when a couple is unable to get pregnant. The truth of the matter is that both sexes could be infertile. Men may suffer from a low sperm count, which can ultimately make it very difficult for them to have a child. Thankfully, there are various infertility drugs that are specifically designed for men. First and foremost, Clomiphene is a universal drug and is commonly prescribed to men and women. While the effects for men are debated, it is believed clomiphene can be beneficial for men, who suffer from secondary hypogonadism.

Researchers suggest that this medication can cause a man to produce more testosterone and additional sperm. In return, this will help prepare them to successfully conceive a baby. Alternatively, a lot of men will actually undergo HCG treatments. HCG injections are readily available from a modern fertility pharmacy and they’re incredibly effective. Men, who receive two or three injections a week, will experience an increased sperm count after six months. If this doesn’t happen, the man can also add hMG to the equation. The combination will normally boost the patient’s sperm count in a matter of one or two years.

IVF Process

It should also be known that in vitro fertilization, or IVF, is an effective way to ensure the female body is prepared to conceive. This specific treatment actually fertilizes the egg outside of the body, before returning it to the female’s uterus. This form of assisted reproductive technology is immensely effective and is commonly utilized throughout the world. Just remember that IVF is not always a solo solution. Many women will also be required to consume IVF medications, while undergoing this specific form of treatment. The combination helps to ensure that the patient is ready for pregnancy, while simultaneously boosting their chances of conceiving.

Remember to find a good IVF pharmacy, where you can obtain the medications you need easily and affordably. Clomiphene is commonly used in conjunction with IVF to give the patient the best chance of getting pregnant and having a successful birth. Consult with your primary physician to determine whether or not additional medications are needed.

Injected Hormones

In some cases, Clomid will not be enough and the female patient will need additional assistance. In this type of situation, the doctor may recommend that the patient begin taking hormonal injections. While it depends on a variety of factors, hormone injections are generally very effective for triggering ovulation in the female patient. There are various hormones that are commonly used for this specific purpose. They include hCG, FSH, hMG, and GnRH. The specific administration method depends solely on the type of drug in question.

While some of these hormones are injected beneath the skin, others are inserted into the muscle. The injection site can range from the stomach to the arm and even the buttocks. In most cases, the female will begin taking these injections on the second or third day of their cycle or whenever they begin seeing bright red blood. Usually, the injections will be given for a duration of 7 to 12 days and they may also be given alongside Clomid. These injections have very few side effects and they’re all minor. They include tenderness and swelling at the injection side.

It is also possible for these drugs to increase your chances of experiencing multiple births. Nonetheless, hormonal injections are enormously effective. The success rate is high and approximately half of patients will get pregnant after undergoing these injections.

Planning For A Healthy Pregnancy

Infertility can take its toll on a couple, causing mental stress that cannot be compared to other medical conditions or experiences. If you are trying to get pregnant and plan on purchasing medicine from the IVF online pharmacy, you will need to undergo a physical first. You can schedule an appointment for the physical, with your primary care physician, since this procedure does not require a fertility expert. It is crucial to alter your daily diet, so that it consists of the much-needed nutrients and vitamins, required to maintain good health.

The best food sources available are fruits and vegetables. You will also need to avoid alcohol and smoking. Any medical professional will recommend decreasing your caffeine intake, consuming less than 200 milligrams daily, which is equal to 12 ounces of a caffeinated beverage. It is never easy to alter your daily diet or routine, but you must consider the side effects of female fertility drugs and the stress associated with your situation.


When you visit a fertility clinic for the first time, the nurse or physician will question you about ovulation. You do not need an expert to determine when you ovulate, but you can always take advantage of an ovulation calculator. This tool is very straightforward and will do all the work for you. You will need to determine when you ovulate, before you start a regimen of fertility pills. Females ovulate once during each menstrual cycle, limiting the number of days that they can get pregnant.

It can be a little tricky to come up with an accurate ovulation date, especially if you have irregular periods. In this case, you may need to call on your provider to assist you with predicting ovulation.


If the fertility expert determines that your fallopian tubes are blocked, you may need to undergo surgery. The procedure, will involve unblocking the tubes, which is a minor surgery. However, there are non-surgical procedures that will unblock the fallopian tubes, so you can become pregnant.

Other Medications

Finally, you should know that there are other medications that are frequently used for infertility problems. They include Heparin, Antagon, Aspirin, and Dostinex. Aspirin is believed to be effective for decreasing the risk of miscarriage, while Heparin is used for the same purpose. Be sure to consult with your doctor to determine whether or not these medications are right for you.



Culled from The Global Dispatch


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African Ripples Magazine (ARM) promotes honest discussion on black-oriented information by delivering news and articles about both established and upcoming black professionals in business, sports, entertainment, international development and other vital areas.

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