
Bana Alabed: Syrian Tweeting Girl Writes Letter To President Trump


The seven years old Aleppo girl internet sensation, Bana Alabed has written to US President Donald Trump, calling on him to help save the children of Syria.

Bana Alabed became famous with her tweets from the war ravaged and  besieged east Aleppo. Bana escaped Aleppo with her family in December during the mass evacuations, and is now living in Turkey.

Her mother, Fatemah – who helps run the account – sent the text of the letter to the BBC. She said Bana wrote it days before President Trump’s inauguration, because “she has seen Trump many times on the TV”.

Bana Alabed’s letter to President Trump

Dear Donald Trump,

My name is Bana Alabed and I am a seven years old Syrian girl from Aleppo.

I lived in Syria my whole life before I left from besieged East Aleppo on December last year. I am part of the Syrian children who suffered from the Syrian war.

But right now, I am having a peace in my new home of Turkey. In Aleppo, I was in school but soon it was destroyed because of the bombing.

Some of my friends died. I am very sad about them and wish they were with me because we would play together by right now. I couldn’t play in Aleppo, it was the city of death.

Right now in Turkey, I can go out and enjoy. I can go to school although I didn’t yet. That is why peace is important for everyone including you.

However, millions of Syrian children are not like me right now and suffering in different parts of Syria. They are suffering because of adult people.

I know you will be the president of America, so can you please save the children and people of Syria? You must do something for the children of Syria because they are like your children and deserve peace like you.

If you promise me you will do something for the children of Syria, I am already your new friend. I am looking forward to what you will do for the children of Syria.


About Author

Akin Akingbala is an international journalist based in Lagos, Nigeria. Aside being happily married, he has interests in music, sports and loves traveling.

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