
Foods For Hotter Sex Life


Don’t we all love sex? Well i do, in case you don’t. For those of us who loves to bump n grind or do the doggy style, you can spice things up in the bedroom by adding these tasty foods to your menu. They will enhance your sex game! Sex is an enjoyable diversion and a great calorie-burner — so why are we having so little of it? Research published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior reveals that, on average, Americans are enjoying nine fewer nookie sessions each year than they did just two decades ago. This is also applicable to us too. That’s nine missed opportunities to get in an enjoyable workout, and nine times we skipped one of nature’s best stress relievers.

The reasons for missing this opportunity could be attributed to grueling work schedules, stress and social commitments. Other reasons are bothering on health issues like high blood pressure, depression, obesity, etc. Fret not, there’s a simple solution- food. Yes food! Adding these foods to your menu will surely invigorate and hots up your sex life.


Inexpensive, easy to prepare, and a great source of protein, eggs are a great way to fuel up and heat up your sex life, too. Research suggests that B12 deficiencies are a major cause of erectile dysfunction and sperm motility issues, but fortunately, just a single ounce of eggs contains more than 300 percent of your RDA of the stuff. A single egg also packs 41 IU of vitamin D, a deficiency in which was found to affect one-third of erectile dysfunction patients in a study conducted at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.


Trying to heat things up in the bedroom? Try adding some oranges to your menu. Oranges are one of the best sources of vitamin C on the market and can help lower cholesterol, increasing blood flow and improving libido in the process. A review of research published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine reveals that daily vitamin C supplementation significantly lowered LDL or “bad” cholesterol, as well as triglycerides, which can contribute to heart disease and reduce blood flow, creating a lagging libido and performance issues.


If you’re finding yourself having trouble in the bedroom, almonds might just provide the solution you seek. Almonds pack 27 percent of your RDA of vitamin E per ounce, which research published in The Aging Male found effective at combatting erectile dysfunction when used in conjunction with ED medications. Almonds are also a good source of iron, thus helping to reverse iron deficiency anemia, a major contributor to low energy levels and a lack of libido.


Starting your day with some oatmeal might just be the key to turning up the heat between the sheets. Oatmeal packs 150 IU of vitamin D per ¾ cup serving, as well as a healthy helping of vitamin E, the combination of which can help fight erectile dysfunction. Research published in the Journal of Family Practice also found oatmeal effective at lowering blood pressure, which can help increase blood flow to erogenous zones, making it more likely you’ll feel in the mood.


Forget that little blue pill; a little slice of cantaloupe could be all you need to get things going in the boudoir. Research suggests that beta-carotene, the pigment that gives cantaloupe its orange hue, is effective at lowering blood pressure. This, in turn, promotes healthy blood flow to the genitals, reducing the risk of erectile dysfunction and libido issues. Cantaloupe is also a good source of vitamin C, which researchers at the Boston University School of Medicine have linked to a reduction in atherosclerosis risk, boosting your blood flow and reducing your risk of energy problems sapping your stamina.


Who would have ever thought that a shrimp cocktail at dinner could be the key to a little action between the sheets later in the evening? Shrimp are loaded with energy-sustaining protein, as well as plenty of vitamin B12, which can help you achieve and maintain an erection. Shrimp are also a good source of omega-3s, which research published in Lipids in Health and Disease have linked to increased libido.


A little pork on your menu might make a roll in the hay look a whole lot more appealing. Protein-rich pork packs 26 IU of erectile dysfunction-fighting vitamin D per ounce, as well as being loaded with zinc, consumption of which researchers at Wayne State University School of Medicine have linked to increases in testosterone. Just make sure you’re opting for a lean cut for optimal results; salty, nitrate-cured pork products, like bacon, may have the opposite effect. This is not recommended for Muslims as pork is not a ‘halal’.


Popeye wasn’t wrong about the myriad benefits of spinach, although we can’t quite recall him talking about how his veggie of choice helped him out in the bedroom. However, with its abundance of vitamins C and E, spinach is an easy way to keep things going strong below the belt, giving you plenty of stamina and blood flow in all the right places.


Some mussels at dinner may help you when it comes to flexing those love muscles, too. A 3-ounce serving of mussels packs 340 percent of your daily B12, as well as a healthy helping of zinc, which can boost testosterone production, leading to increased libido in both men and women.


Want to enjoy more fun in the bedroom? Start by adding some lime to your favorite marinade, as a topping for your tacos, or just squeeze a little into your water. Not only are limes packed with citrus polyphenols, which have been linked to improvements in cardiovascular health, thus increasing your sexual stamina and blood flow to your erogenous zones, research published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine has linked smelling citrus to increased energy, a vital component in a healthy sex schedule.


Add some Swiss chard to your menu and enjoy a more exciting sex life in no time. A single cup of Swiss chard packs 11 percent of your RDA of potent erectile dysfunction-fighting vitamin E, as well as plenty of blood flow-boosting beta-carotene and vitamin C.


Instead of your usual burger or sandwich, try adding some lamb to your menu — it might just spice things up in the bedroom. Lamb is a plentiful source of healthy sperm-promoting B12, as well as zinc and iron, which can improve libido and energy in both men and women. Lamb also pairs particularly well with curry powder, which research published in Nutrition Journal linked to as much as a 6 percent increase in blood flow.


Painting your partner with body chocolate isn’t the only way to heat things up; eating chocolate the old-fashioned way might just have the same effect. The caffeine in dark chocolate can help give you a surge of energy, as well as promoting the production of dopamine, a feel-good chemical that can help put you in the mood. Research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine even suggests a link between the consumption of chocolate and lower body mass, which can help boost your confidence and make you proud to flaunt those skivvies.


A little trout on your menu could make you quite the catch in the bedroom. A 3-ounce portion of trout will load your diet with 4.2 micrograms of B12, 7 percent of your daily vitamin E, and plenty of inflammation-fighting omega-3s, the combination of which will have you working harder and longer between the sheets.


Adding some chicken to your meal plan is the first step toward a healthier sex life. Chicken is packed with protein, B12, and is a great source of L-arginine, an amino acid that research published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy links to improvements in the quality and quantity of erections.


Giving in to your carb cravings might just help you indulge some more carnal cravings, too. Sweet potatoes are packed with beta-carotene, vitamin C, and 15 percent of your daily vitamin E per tablespoon, the mixture of which can boost both blood flow and libido, making a plate of sweet potato fries one surprising aphrodisiac you shouldn’t pass up.


While most aphrodisiac proponents will point to oysters, chocolate, and whipped cream to get the party started, that doesn’t mean that vegans can’t get in on the fun, too. Nutritional yeast, a tasty seasoning often used in place of cheese, is a good source of calcium and vitamin B6, the combination of which researchers at Hamadan University of Medical Sciences have linked to improvements in premenstrual syndrome symptoms, including low libido and mood disorders.


Improve your stamina, increase your energy, and counteract blood flow problems in one fell swoop by adding some shiitakes to your next stir-fry. Shiitake mushrooms are a great low-fat alternative to salty, preservative-rich meats, which may impede blood flow and cause performance issues. Even better, shiitakes are loaded with 40 IU of vitamin D per cup, a lack of which research published in International Urology and Nephrology has linked to reduced sexual function in women.


Oysters aren’t the only seafood that can help you out in the bedroom; clams are an easy way to heat things up between the sheets, too. Clams are a triple threat, thanks to their combo of blood flow-promoting B12, anemia-fighting iron, and potassium, which research published in the American Heart Association’s journal Hypertension links to improvements in blood pressure, which can help boost libido and sexual function. Even if your libido is fine, the 40 Ways Omega-3s Fight Fat will convince you to make seafood a staple on your menu.


Sure, strawberries are kind of a quintessentially sexy food, but they’re packing more than meets the eye when it comes to your libido. The vitamin C in strawberries can help dilate blood vessels, increasing blood flow to your erogenous zones, and the resveratrol in red fruit has a similar effect on the human body as calorie restriction, according to research published in Cell Metabolism. Researchers at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center found that, over a two-year period, individuals who reduced their caloric intake by as little as 25 percent led to a significant increase in libido. So, strawberries, anyone?


Searing up some salmon is a great way to get things going in the bedroom, too. Packed with B12, vitamin D, and vitamin E, salmon can help promote healthy blood flow, helping you get in the mood more easily. Research published in Nutrients also suggests that omega-3s, in which salmon is plentiful, can help increase fat oxidation and lower your risk of obesity, improving your stamina and adding approximately an inch of visible penis for every 20 pounds shed.


Snacking on watermelon does more than cool you down — it might just heat things up between you and your partner. Watermelon is packed with lycopene, which researchers at the University of Cambridge have found effective at improving the function of blood vessels, increasing blood flow where you need it most.


Bring on the guacamole! Just one cup of avocado is packed with 14 grams of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat as well as 10 percent of your RDA of erectile dysfunction-fighting vitamin E. Avocado is also loaded with energizing B6 and weight loss-friendly, healthy blood pressure-promoting vitamin C, making it a powerhouse food both for your palate and your personal life. Needs some avocado inspiration?


Okay, in most cases the word “crab” isn’t particularly welcome when it comes to your sex life, but adding some crab to your menu could yield some major benefits in the bedroom. Crab is loaded with energy-boosting iron, as well as the one-two punch of calcium and B6, which have been linked to improvements in female libido.


Dig into some kiwi for dessert and enjoy some action after meal time is over. A single kiwi packs more than a day’s worth of vitamin C, meaning that just a little bit of this fuzzy fruit on your menu can help get blood flowing where you need it most. Research published in the Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences in 2015 also links vitamin C consumption to decreased anxiety, making it easier to relax and get in the mood.


Start on the path to a healthier, leaner body and a hotter sex life with one unlikely food: herring. With 3.6 micrograms of B12 in every 3-ounce portion, herring is a great way to fend off erectile dysfunction, and its wealth of omega-3s can fight mood-killing inflammation. Even better, research published in Obesity has linked omega-3 consumption to weight loss, which can help improve hormonal balance, confidence, and libido.


There’s no denying that sardines aren’t the kind of food you want anyone to eat off your naked body, but that doesn’t mean you should count them out as assets to your sex life. Loaded with calcium, iron, B12, and omega-3s, these fatty fish can help send your libido through the roof.


Want to get things going in the bedroom? A glass of wine could help. Not only does wine help lower your inhibitions, making it easier for even shy individuals to get frisky, red wine is also packed with resveratrol, which can help improve blood pressure (and blood flow), while boosting your libido. Just make sure to cap it at a glass or two — any more than that might make it difficult, if not impossible, to rise to the occasion.


Making room for mackerel on your menu might be the first step toward a healthier sex life. Packed with 7.4 micrograms of B12 per 3-ounce portion and a heaping helping of vitamin D and omega-3s, this healthy fish can help you keep things hot and heavy in the bedroom.


Making lemon part of your regular routine, whether you’re adding it to your favorite baked goods or to brighten up your preferred proteins, can make improve your sex life in no time. Not only is the very scent of lemon a known energizer, lemons are also loaded with circulation-boosting vitamin C, helping you keep things hot in the bedroom. Research published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition also links lemon polyphenols to a reduced risk of diet-related obesity, helping you slim down and enjoy a more confident and active sex life!
























About Author

Akin Akingbala is an international journalist based in Lagos, Nigeria. Aside being happily married, he has interests in music, sports and loves traveling.

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