
Eight-Month-Old Baby Girl Who Weighs More Than 17 Kgs Has Doctors Baffled


Obesity, is an health problem that is often associated with adults and children which increasing in epidemic proportions worldwide especially in developed countries, but no a baby. A curious case in India is that of an eight-month old Chahat Kumar who weighs 17 kgs.

The plight of this morbidly obese baby girl in Punjab is somewhat disturbing and baffling to doctors. In case you are wondering what’s all the fuss about, let’s tell you that it is what an average four-year-old child would weigh.

Chahat’s mother, Reena Kumar, who wants her child to have a normal life says, “She was born a normal child and only started gaining weight at the age of four months.” While her father, Suraj Kumar, adds, “She gets hungrier than other children her age and demands milk and food often.”

After noticing her dramatic weight increase her parents sought out medical help but treatment wasn’t possible as the doctors couldn’t get a proper blood sample.

Suraj Kumar says, “When we took her to the doctor, he told us that they would first need to collect blood samples to start with any kind of treatment but it turned out to be difficult as her skin is abnormally hard.”

Dr Vasudev Sharma who has been working with Chahat since she was born says, “Her weight is increasing excessively and it has to be controlled. She has to eat less. She eats like a 10-year-old kid.”

Her excessive weight has led her to have breathing and sleeping problems.


About Author

Akin Akingbala is an international journalist based in Lagos, Nigeria. Aside being happily married, he has interests in music, sports and loves traveling.

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