
Septum Piercing Is The New Black


The shows are still raging on in Europe but aside from the predominance of pink and pinstripes, one of the big trends that we’ve noticed off the runway is the prevalence of septum piercing. While celebrities like Rihanna, Scarlett Johannson and newcomer FKA Twigs have been spotted on and off the red carpet with special accessory, it has now carried over into the fashion pack.

“I actually had my septum pierced in high school, but I was really afraid of what people might say so I would tuck it in,”social media sensation Aimee Song told Yahoo Style. “Since my nose is so small it always looked like I had boogers.” The blogger said that she re-pierced the spot, “about a year and a half ago before the whole ‘trendy’ thing started. I remember seeing a red carpet image of either Rihanna or Zoe Kravitz wearing one and I thought it was so hot.”

Septum or nose piecing is fast becoming a fashion trend in the developed world; it’s something that has been part of female fashion accessory in Africa and some parts of the Middle East for eons.



About Author

Akin Akingbala is an international journalist based in Lagos, Nigeria. Aside being happily married, he has interests in music, sports and loves traveling.

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