
Time To Shower: Morning Or Night?


Taking a shower daily is one of the recipe for our wellness in conformity with the saying that ‘cleanliness is next to godliness’. Do you shower in the morning or night? And what are the implications of the time you choose to shower?

Morning Shower

The benefits of a morning shower are kind of obvious: It wakes you up and helps you get your head in the game. “A morning shower allows for time to meditate and regroup before starting a long or hectic day,” said Mona Gohara, MD, associate clinical professor of dermatology at the Yale School of Medicine. “This mindfulness can decrease inflammation in the skin by keeping levels of a hormone called cortisol capped.” That alertness will pay off if you have to shave, which Gohara said is best to do in the morning. Not only will you be more aware and less likely to cut yourself, “mornings are the best time to shave because that’s when you have a surge of platelets — or blood cloggers,” she said.

A morning shower may also be the best way to prime your face for the day ahead. “Our skin is at its best after your skin routine is done first thing in the morning,” said Yen Reis, founder of Skin Laundry. “This is prior to facing any free radicals, sun, dirt, or debris, which inevitably attack our skin the minute we walk out the door.” Plus a morning shower can stimulate the skin cells, specifically after they’ve relaxed during sleep, said Reis, who also said morning showers are best for combination, oily, or acne-prone skin. Avoid the temptation to make the water as hot as you can handle, though: “Lukewarm water is best,” Reis said. “While a morning shower can make your skin appear healthier, a too-hot shower can have the opposite effect, specifically for dry and sensitive skin.”

Evening Shower

Evening showers are the bomb! For one thing, they also have skin-related benefits. Nighttime showers are a great way to remove all of the makeup, oil, dirt, and pollutants that have accumulated on your skin throughout the course of your daily activities, said Reis.

Gohara adds, “Your skin naturally exfoliates and replenishes itself at night, so you leave a clean slate when the proverbial factory is open.” (The body’s oil production peaks at 1:00 p.m.).

The strongest argument for showering at night is the need for cleanliness. “When you get into bed, you should feel clean,” said Nancy Rothstein, who calls herself The Sleep Ambassador. “You’ve been out and about all day — why would you want to get into bed like that?” Also, Rothstein points out, “A nighttime shower is an integral part of your ‘preparing for bed’ routine. It’s time for you-no phone, no emails, just the luxury of fresh, warm water flowing over your body. Call it an opportunity to shower yourself with mindfulness!”

The temperature of your evening shower matters too. Rothstein said “warm but not too hot,” is best for getting the body relaxed and primed for sleep without putting you at risk for overheating during the night. “Think of your shower as a segue to sleep,” Rothstein said. “The better you sleep, the better your hair and skin will look. So even if you’re exhausted and just want to crash, get in the shower and let the water run on your face and body.”

So there are reasons to shower in the morning, and even better ones to shower at night. Why don’t you do it twice a day? Since the skin’s natural oils fluctuate and increase throughout the day due to environment and hormone fluctuations, showering-whenever you choose to do it-can help control some of the oil we produce and help to remove some of the surface bacteria that can contribute to breakouts, Reis said.

The bottom line? “If you like to shower in the morning, do it,” said Rothstein. “But definitely shower at night. It’s so important to go to bed clean, and it separates the day from the night.” No one wants to go to bed with-or next to-dirty flip-flop feet.


About Author

Akin Akingbala is an international journalist based in Lagos, Nigeria. Aside being happily married, he has interests in music, sports and loves traveling.

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